Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I need help

"Even if she won't get counseling, you can go alone. You might get some insight into why you decided to air your dirty laundry in the blogosphere."

Am I really a certifiable looney?


  1. you are not a looney.
    you did not put your name, photo in the blog. you just want to know what you are going to do is right. you should ask yourself:
    Is she a good mother?
    Is she hurting your child?
    Is the house your only problem?
    Are you a good father?
    Are you hurting your child and yourself?
    Decide what is most important to you and hang on to it, do it right. let the other go.

  2. Thanks for the affirmation.
    Those are some very helpful questions. I'm still very conflicted over the decision.
    Thanks again.
