Tuesday, February 3, 2009

I give up

After nine years of marriage, the events that transpired this pass weekend was the straw that broke the camel's back. It will be best for all parties involved if we end this now instead of prolonging the agony.

Saturday morning we left at 11 am to go look at houses for sale in Sunnyvale and Santa Clara. We came back at 3 pm and I said I need to take Raymond to the park so he could get out and play. He had stayed in the car practically the whole time while we went out and looked at each house. For an 8 year old boy looking at houses is downright boring. So he entertains himself playing with his Gameboy or read a book while he waited for us in the car.

She starts yelling that I'm not going to take Raymond to the park until either we get a divorce so she could buy a house on her own or I make an offer on a house that we've looked at. She accuses me of wasting 9 years of her life by not owning the house we live in. I don't yell back at her, I just leave with Raymond to the park.

After dinner I stayed in the bedroom while she's watching tv in the living room. It's clear that I'm going to be sleeping on the sofa that night. I'm sitting on the sofa at 1 in the morning eating a cookie holding a small dish to catch the crumbs. She comes storming out of the bedroom and knocks the dish out of my hands and it goes flying across the room. She is screaming that I'm not going to get to enjoy life if she doesn't get to have happiness in her life. She picks up the tv tray table and heaves it across the room. Her face is all red because she is just madder than hell.
She screams at me that she hates me and vowed to make my life a living hell. She then spits in my face and screams that she hates me. She is in a total rage. If someone had put a knife in her hand at the moment I'm sure she would have stabbed me in the heart with it, that's how angry she was. Through out all this I'm just looking down on the floor avoiding eye contact with her. I don't even respond, I just sit there and take her venom. I know that if I scream back, the situation will just erupt and get worst. I didn't sleep very well on the sofa that night.

Next morning after she comes out of the bedroom to take a shower, I climbed in bed so I could get some sleep because I was feeling very tired from not getting any sleep.
After she comes out of the shower she becomes livid upon seeing me sleeping in bed. She starts screaming that I can't sleep in that bed because it's not my bed anymore. She pulls the comforter off and then pulls all the sheets off, all the time screaming at the top of her lungs. She pulls the pillow from under me and starts hitting me with it. She grabs me by my shirt and tries to pull me off the bed, ripping the shirt. She did not succeed at getting me off the bed and makes her angrier and she starts screaming for a divorce "I don't care that it's my birthday, I want a divorce right now, let's go see a divorce lawyer right now". This went on for probably been an hour.

At about 1 pm she comes in and ask if I'm going to her birthday dinner party that evening over in Pleasanton with her family. I said no I'm not, I don't feel well. Then she very politely tells me that she wants me to go to her birthday dinner. I guess she didn't want to lose face by me not showing up. I told her no I am not going because I'm feeling ill. How can I possibly go and pretend nothing has happened? Does she really expect me to go spend time with her and her family and pretend nothing has happened and everything is fine? I hope she gets the message that I still have a backbone.

She is behaving like this all because we haven't bought a house, that we don't own the house we live in. She accuses me of wasting nine years of her life. After seeing the extreme intensity of her rage, I'm beginning to think she has psychological problems. Or maybe she really does hate me with a passion.

I used to think that staying together was best for our son. But now I'm afraid that he may potentially be harmed psychologically from witnessing all this anger and rage. I've asked her numerous times not to yell and scream in front of Raymond. She screams back that she don't care. If we are not together, at least Raymond won't be exposed to all the yelling and screaming.


  1. Sorry to hear that things have gotten so bad. Give it a few days to cool down and if divorce is still in the air, I suggest you both get a counseling session together 1st instead of a lawyer. If having a house solves everything, then you need to find a way to convince her you are just waiting to come across the right house at the right price and location. I’m sure you’re also trying to time the bottom of the housing market, but if it’s going to cause you your marriage, you might just have to buy earlier and pay more. At least you didn’t buy when her girlfriend's brother bought 4 years ago, it’s probably worth much less now, right?

    Let me know if you need us to come up from Salinas to talk to the both of you.

  2. Poor kid. Leave now.

  3. As a woman, I can assure that your wife's behavior, as you have described it, is neither normal nor healthy. It is certainly not something that you should ignore. I hope that you consult with both a therapist and divorce attorney as soon as possible before this situation escalates further. Best of luck to you and your son.

  4. Your wife needs a doctor. Posting this for the world to see is not helpful. Rage can be a symptom of depression. Get her the help she needs and stop being a martyr

  5. @monzey,
    I used to think that she just has a bad temper and nothing more. Well after seeing her rage last weekend, I realize her anger problem is much more serious than that. Appreciate you concern and advice.

  6. @bullthistle,
    Receiving advice and support here is helpful to me in making the right decision. The decision to getting a divorce is very major, one which I don't want to do blindly.
    This blog has nothing to do with being a martyr.

  7. RUN! Life is too short. Just do everything to love, protect and provide for your son. If you don't think she can be a good Mom for your son then discuss this with an attorney. She sounds crazy. PS - I am a Real Estate Agent and some of us do give honest advise and think our job is important in the way we way help families.

  8. Sounds like you married an Asian woman. For them, until they own real estate, they ARE second class citizens. Her friends probably mock her behind her back. That is why she's so mad at you!!

  9. @Anon 1,
    Hope you didn't take offense to the comment I made regarding realtors cuz none was intended. Heck there's even one of you scumbags in my family. It's a joke. Really.

  10. @Anon 2,
    Yep you guessed right, she's from China.
    No, her friends are not the type to be mocking their friends.

  11. You married an Asian woman? Without owning land?

    Run like hell.

  12. Entitlement girl? Get your business in order. When the time comes she's gonna take you to the cleaners no matter what (most do). You don't know what her and her gfriends talk about when you are not around, and the family courts?, well to them, she's good, and your bad. You don't want her reading this blog and I picked up this link from AZ central so she's likely going to be reading it soon.

  13. You were right about real estate agents. They're worthless.

    Also, why can't you just rent a house? It's way cheaper than buying, even now.

  14. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  15. You're married to an Asian lunatic and unfortunately have a child. Might as well just face up to the fact that you won't be seeing your son for a very long time (a few years) and you'll have to pay and pay for your wife's new lifestyle as a free-spending single woman. Does she have her own job? Give us an idea of earnings -- does she earn more or do you?

    She probably has a guy lined up already and she's just trying to get rid of you in the worst possible way. Chinese women can be evil like that (3 years of personal experience speaking).

    If you work in computers perhaps you could get a job overseas somewhere. Preferably, somewhere far far away where she can't get to you or attach your assets. Like Australia or something. Its nice and warm there I hear and everyone has a cool accent.

    Just avoid the Asian women in future.

  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ubsd-tWYmZw

  17. leave now.... owning a house wont fix anything.... she sounds crazy....

  18. Geez! I know nothing about Chinese women but I've been married to a Japanese woman for over 36 years and she's never complained to me about not owning.

    We owned a mobile home during the 1970's and bought a home in the early 1990's. Between then, about 15 years, we lived in either a rental or government housing. I was in the military for 20 years and plenty of Oriental women marry military guys and a large percentage of them don't buy because of the travel requirements, especially because of the short notice part when having to transfer.

    Was your Chinese wife born here in the U.S.? If so, I certainly wouldn't consider her truly Chinese. I suspect she may have been getting a lot of criticism from her parents all along concerning you renting and the pressure has probably been building for a long time.

    I must say, most of my wife's friends are well to do and I get veiled criticism every once in a while because she is the poorest of them and can't travel back to Japan often like they can.
